Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Life Lately

G and I went to Hocking Hills, Ohio for our anniversary. It was the most amazing vacation and I plan to recap the trip soon. I went to pick up Manny from boarding when we got home and stumbled upon two day old baby goats. You have GOAT to be kidding me! How adorable are they?! I want one.

Getting back into the arena! I started my new job two weeks ago and it's awesome. I love it. The people are amazing. The job is going to be fun. It's just a lot of learning right now which is exhausting, but I'm so excited!

I hosted a girls night a few weeks ago with some girlfriends. G was out of town and with starting a new job it is nice to just see people who know me.

It was such a fun night with my best girls. It has been too long and was so nice to catch up and laugh.

I also had a fun girls night out with my mom. 

We went to a cooking class which basically meant drinking wine and listening to a chef talk about how he cooked the food. My kind of cooking class!

It was Italian night so we had Caprese salad, focaccia bread with garlic butter, ravioli, broccolini, saffron risotto and chicken piccata.

For dessert we had panna cotta and I loved it. It was light and sweet and delicious.  

Two weekends ago we went to Eric and Jess' and hung out with the kids for a bit.

Then we went out to dinner and my parents babysat. It was nice to hang out just the four of us. We had such a great time!

It was one of those long, three hour dinners where you get a cocktail and appetizer, then get an entree (best scallops of my life and G declared it the best steak he ever had), a bottle of wine and dessert. It was so much fun. I was too busy talking and eating to snap more pics and those are the best experiences in my opinion. 

Part of being intentional with friendships this year is meeting my good friend for dinner the last Tuesday of every month. So last Tuesday we met up for cocktails and sushi. It was great food and great company.

The weather this winter continues to be amazingly warm so Manny and I have been enjoying long walks after work while the sun sets. It is perfection. My time of the day to unwind, listen to my favorite podcast and relax. It's something I look forward to everyday.

Speaking of sunsets, G and I went to one of our favorite restaurants for date night last Friday night. We sat by the window and enjoyed the sun setting over the river. The river was overflowing and we couldn't believe the picnic tables were underwater.

One of the reasons we love this restaurant so much is their martinis. They are the best! Highly recommend the Gin and Bear It.

We shared the Salmon dip and it's always a favorite. YUM.

I had the lobster mac and cheese with asparagus. Amaze! Such a fun date night!

Have I mentioned how much we are loving our church and small group? It feels so good to be back and involved again. 

G and I just finished The People vs. OJ Simpson and it was really good. The acting was amazing and I spent hours after the show deep diving all the real people involved. Also, I found the comparisons of most of the actors to the real life people was SPOT ON. Crazy! Highly recommend. 

After church we went to my parents' house to celebrate my aunt's birthday. It was so good seeing extended family we haven't seen in a while. It was also fun to hang out with Bennett and Ella. They are just the cutest. Bennett even fell asleep in my arms so I had some sweet snuggles.

Jess captured this hilarious and sweet moment of Ella taking a selfie of us. I die!

Phew. Okay I'm caught up from the last two weeks. Now I just need to recap our anniversary trip and I will be all caught up. 

So that's life lately. Enjoying the new job. Girls nights. Date night with G. Small group and churchin' it. Mom and Lindsey cooking class shenanigans. Lots of sweet family time. Life is good.


  1. Is your hair darker? It looks good. Glad your new job is off to a good start. I'm so excited to hear about your vacation recap, I was wanting to go there!
