Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Life Lately

The sunset from my backyard last week was breathtaking. 

G really wanted a fancy shower rod that curved out to give the illusion of a larger shower. My parents got him one for his birthday and he loves it. It looks pretty nice too!

One of my favorite things about winter is cozying up next to the fire with a yummy scented candle reading a good book. Perfection.

G and I are currently obsessed with MAN Family Wine from South Africa. It is seriously so good. I love that the three winemakers decided to name the wine after the first initials of each of their wives. And it's from South Africa and you all know I love everything from South Africa (especially G!). 

On Sunday we went to church. It was a new series on God's promises and it might have been our favorite service yet.

One of the homework assignments this week was to sign up for a Life Group. The groups kick off this week and I'm excited. We joined a young couples group that meets really close to our house. The first meeting is tonight, yay!

We continued our lunch tradition after church. We had a gift card to Outback (thanks mom and dad!) so we decided to go there. G had a burger and I had the Tilapia with crab. Such an amazing meal!

G and I had skin checks so we had a nice long weekend together. Monday we went to one of our favorite cities for lunch. I had a vodka, mint concoction that was pretty darn tasty and G had their take on a French 75 that he enjoyed.

We shared Tomato Basil Bisque which was excellent. So flavorful, creamy and comforting.

The food was some of the BEST. We shared the eggplant, red pepper and goat cheese sandwich on a baguette with vinegar fries and Olive and Feta Fritters. Everything was amazing. So fresh and flavorful and just incredible. I definitely want that meal again.

Tuesday we had our skin checks. What a way to celebrate Valentine's Day, ha! I had to have one mole on my back removed, but I'm glad it was caught now and my doctor doesn't seem too concerned. Afterwards we went to MIMOSA because my mom and I loved it so much. I wanted G to experience it.

Naturally we started with a mimosa flight. YUM.

We started out with the truffle fries and rosemary aioli. SO. GOOD.

I had the Goat Cheese and Bourbon Bacon Mac and Cheese and it was delightful. Creamy, smooth, cheesy and delectable. 

We grabbed Starbucks and walked around to look at all the cute houses downtown. We reminisced on when we used to want to live here and even drove by one of our favorite houses we almost put an offer in on. Good times.

G surprised me with a sweet gift. My favorite wine and roses. He loves me so well!

I am currently obsessed with Madam Secretary on Netflix. It's my new show and I'm loving it. Highly recommend! G and I are watching The People vs. OJ Simpson: American Crime Story on Netflix and ohmigosh it's so amazing. I love it so much! I was only eleven when it all went down so I really don't know much about what happened so I'm hooked and I can't wait to google all the lawyers and learn more about them after the show. Please tell me you are watching! The story. The drama. The acting. It is so good!

Tomorrow is our nine year wedding anniversary. Time flies so fast when you are in love! I can't believe we said I do NINE years ago! It was the best decision I ever made saying I Do to that man. My life would suck without him. He truly is the man of my dreams. He is kind. Hardworking. Loves God and seeks His will. Loves me unconditionally. Supports me and encourages me and sees my potential even when I don't. I love doing life with him!

So that's life lately. South African wine. Celebrating nine years with my South African. Church. Joining a small group. Pretty sunsets. Lots of fun dates out with my love. What's new with you?

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