Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Life Lately

Last week I had a doctor's appointment and had to get some blood work done so my mom and I spent some quality time together. We grabbed Starbucks, of course. Then we walked around downtown Farmington. This is the town I grew up and I could not get over all the changes. There were so many renovations and new shops and restaurants.

Speaking of new restaurants, we went to MI.Mosa for breakfast downtown. It is the cutest little place and our waitress was the sweetest.

My mom and I shared the mimosa flight and it was so fun. Who knew that was a thing?! I can get on board with that. My mom's favorite was the pineapple mimosa and my favorite was the pomegranate mimosa. YUM.

My mom and I shared the veggie omlette (tomatoes, mushrooms, artichokes and spinach with goat cheese), toast, roasted potatoes and a side of bourbon bacon. Ohhhhhhh. Emmmmmmm. Geeeeee. Best breakfast ever. The eggs were the lightest, fluffiest I have ever tasted. The veggies were fresh and complimented each other. The potatoes were insane. Crisp and salty and perfect. The bacon was on another level of delicious. Crisp and so flavorful. The toast was yummy. It was such an amazing meal and I know I will be back!

After that incredible breakfast we walked it off. We shopped until we dropped! We hit up Target, Costco, and Trader Joe's. Fun times! I came home afterwards and ate some Quinoa Cucumber and Tomato Salad (9pp) from Costco and I'm obsessed. 

I read an article recently that in January we only had one sunny day. ONE. That's crazy, right? So when February first was sunny it was like a weight had lifted. So, so pretty!

I hadn't been to Trader Joe's in months so I had so much fun going with my mom and stocking up on my faves (chocolate croissants, broccoli and cheddar quiche, pigs in a blanket, sour cream and onion puffs, spanakopita, mac and cheese, and three buck chuck). I tried their Tikka Masala and it was so good! A new fave to add to the list. What are your Trader Joe faves?

G and I took a much needed four day getaway this past weekend to celebrate G's birthday and our upcoming 9th anniversary. We had the best time. The weather was sunny and cold, we had lots of great quality time and lots of really good cocktails and delicious food. I can't wait to share all about it tomorrow.

Sunday afternoon we drove back from Holland to hang out with family and celebrate Eric and G's birthdays. I had some great cuddle time with this cutie. I cannot even with that penguin booty.

I even had a few Ella cuddles which is rare these days because she is on the move. And hilarious and just the sweetest big sister.

I was trying to take a picture of G holding Bennett and he wouldn't smile. Jess came up behind me to make funny faces and try and get him to smile. She didn't get Bennett smiling, but G was laughing so hard. It was so funny.

It was such a relaxing day with family. Brad was in town from Chicago so it was nice to catch up with him as well. We even took a family photo because it had been forever since we took one. Such a great bunch! My mom made her famous lasagna, we laughed, played with the kids and chatted. Perfection.

So that's life lately. Mom and Lindsey day of fun. Trader Joe and Costco shopping trips. Long weekend in South Haven and Holland with my love. Family fun. 

What's new with you? What's your favorite Trader Joe foods?

1 comment:

  1. I seem to always buy all the junk food from Trader Joe's :-) I love the dark chocolate covered pretzels, the kettle popcorn. I also stuck up on coconut milk because it's cheaper than at the grocery store, and I love the sweet and spicy pecans have you tried those? They used to have this awesome cinnamon buns cereal, but they got rid of it. And I don't like out if you miss something in the season, it's gone for a whole year!
