Friday, February 10, 2017

Fit Friday: Week 1

It's back and I am ready to do this thing! The scale keeps slowly creeping up and it has got to stop so here we are. I have gained fourteen pounds since my lowest weigh in last year. UGH. That stinks, but I'm ready to lose those fourteen and get to my goal weight once and for all.

I've been listening to some great podcasts on intuitive eating and positive body image. I have found great success in following Weight Watchers via the iTrackBites app. I also get inspiration from following people on instagram who are also following WW. It helps more than I ever expected.

I know that sharing my week of food here will help keep me motivated and accountable. I'll share what I'm eating and I would love to hear any tips or recipes you are enjoying too. I will weigh in each and every Friday. I will also take progress pics, but I probably won't share those as often. Lets see how I did my first week!

Weigh In:


Pounds Lost: -1 lb
Total: 1 lb

I'm so happy with that! Considering I've only been tracking everything I ate since Monday and I didn't even weigh in until Tuesday this week to get my starting weight that is great progress. Especially when you put it into perspective of losing a whole guinea pig, ha!


Sunday - Rest day
Monday - Walked 3.4 miles
Tuesday - Walked 3.5 miles
Wednesday - Walked 3.8 miles
Thursday - Walked 2.7 miles (it was so cold!) and 25 minutes of kickboxing


My breakfast this week has either been a green smoothie with a 1/2 cup coffee (0pp), 2 cups spinach (0pp), 1 scoop FitMiss Protein Shake Vanilla (2pp), 1 cup light almond milk (0pp), and banana (0pp) with a handful of ice and a dash of cinnamon. YUM!

Or 2 eggs (4pp), 2T feta cheese (1pp), and 1 cup spinach (0pp). So good!

My lunch this week has become an obsession. I toast a mini whole wheat bagel (3pp), add a can of tuna fish (2pp) mixed with Greek yogurt (1pp) and scoop it on top of the toasted bagel. Then I add 1/4 cup mozzarella cheese (2pp) and microwave for 45 seconds and enjoy. It is so good and filling!

I know it's not great to eat too much tuna so I switched it up and had a 1/2 cup TJ's qunioa (3pp), and half a package of Tasty Bite Madras Lentils (4pp) a few times this week. It doesn't look good, but I promise it's amazing.

My afternoon snack is usually steamed green beans or a red pepper (0pp), and an apple and clementines (0pp). 

I'm also pretty obsessed with hot water with lemon (0pp) lately and drink that a lot.

My dinners have been pretty darn good this week too. G grilled up a bunch of chicken for us to eat throughout the week. While he prefers his chicken plain with a side of peppers I like it mixed in to a burrito bowl. I mix one cup TJ's quinoa (7pp), 1/2 cup black beans (2pp), 4 oz chicken (4pp), spinach (0pp) and 2 oz Greek yogurt (1pp). Obsessed!

Wednesday I added a little salsa (0pp) and it took it over the top. Delicious!

Tuesday night I met up with a good friend and I had the best black bean burger (9pp) with fries (5pp). I ate half so the leftovers were a nice treat the next day. 

Thursday night I had salsa (0pp) with a serving of tortilla chips (4pp).

G made lean ground beef for dinner Thursday night for tacos. I had a taco bowl with 1/2 cup of lean beef (3pp), 2 oz Greek yogurt (1pp), spinach (0pp), and a glass of red wine (4pp).

So that is week 1 in a nutshell. This is why I love WW. I can still eat what I love and feel satisfied. I firmly believe the key to success is to love the journey and I can honestly say this week that I have. I've also been eating at a table and truly savoring each and every bite. It makes a difference! 

Stay tuned next week for a weigh in after a full week of following. And in case you are wondering, I like to save my weeklies for the weekend so I have 43pp to enjoy this weekend, woohoo! I'll share my weekend eats as well next week. Thanks for following along as I begin this exciting new journey. Happy weekend, friends!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your 1-pound weight loss! That's fantastic. Slow and steady wins the race!
