Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Life Lately

Last Tuesday I made Skinnytaste Stuffed Peppers except I used 90/10 beef because that is what I had on hand. It was so good and definitely something I will make again!

The weather has been unusually warm 9high 30s/40s) and Manny and I are embracing it with lots of long walks.

G had a gift card from work for his favorite liquor store and he had a little fun, ha! He bought some Bourbon aged beers (though nothing has been as good as Dragon's Milk), Amarula (South African cream liquer), and a few fun South African reds. Fun!

It was long overdo, but I finally got my hair done. I had a Groupon for a local salon and I was pumped for a change. And funny story. Every time I get my hair done the hairdresser tells me their life story. This was no exception and I love it. 

Ta-da! I had three inches cut off and some caramel highlights. I love it!

After my appointment I finally tried Chipotle. I am such a Qdoba fan, but I had a gift card and could not resisting trying something new. The Chicken Burrito Bowl (9pp) tasted about the same as Qdoba, but it seemed to be a bigger portion and fed me twice. Score! the chips and salsa were insane though, so flavorful! I will be back!

Last Thursday I went with G to his work party. It was so much fun! I used to work with him so it was amazing to see all my old coworkers. The food was amazing, but the company was even better. I laughed a lot and had a blast catching up with everyone.

After the party we went to a bar nearby. Love this girl right there and miss working with her so much! It was such a great night and we didn't get home until midnight!

Over the weekend we met my parents for lunch at a fun restaurant. Cheers to that!

They have the BEST mac and cheese with bacon and breadcrumbs (12 pp for half and worth every single bite).

After lunch we walked around the cute downtown.

We did a little window shopping at the cute shops and I love signs so much.

We stopped into a restaurant I had been wanting to try for a hot toddy. G had the Spanish Coffee and claimed it the best he ever had. I had the Godiva Cappuccino and it was perfect on a cold day.

We bummed around a bit and tried out a few new Netflix shows. We didn't find anything that caught our interest so we started season 2 of The Flash and I'm hooked already.

Speaking of television, G and I were fascinated by the Netflix documentary Somm. It follows four candidates as they prepare for the extremely difficult Master Sommelier exam. I love my wine, but these guys LOVE THEIR WINE. It is crazy to hear them describe wine and to be able to taste wine and tell you what year, what region and what vineyard. Crazyness! 

Sunday morning I met up with a sweet friend for coffee. It was good to see her and laugh and just catch up.

After coffee I picked up G and we went back to the church we checked out last week. We loved it even more this week! Another great sermon, amazing worship and I just love the challenge of the week. The pastor gives a verse to reflect on during the week and a verse to memorize. LOVE. After church we grocery shopped at Aldi and came home and G grilled us burgers. We researched the church more and agree with the values and beliefs and cannot wait to go back.

This week I'm eating my fave protein shake. It's so delicious and filling! Lots of spinach, banana, almond milk, Fit Miss protein powder, ice and a dash of cinnamon. Perfection and only 3pp!

And a few days a week I treat myself with my favorite - one slice ciabatta bread (3pp), 2 eggs (4pp), and 1/4 mozzarella cheese (2pp) with a side of fruit (usually an apple or frozen strawberries - 0pp). It's a bit higher in points, but perfect on busy mornings when I'm running around and won't be able to sit down and eat again until past noon.

So that's life lately. Cooked a new recipe. New hair do. Lunch with the rents. Back on the church wagon. Following WW. How are you guys doing?


  1. Cute hair! I'm excited about your new church! Love the pastor encouraging meditating on and memorizing scripture. So important.

  2. If you liked "Somm" you might want to check out the series "Uncorked"---I really hope they do another season!
