Thursday, November 3, 2016

November Goals

Two days ago it was sunny and 70 degrees. I just wish it could always be like that with the trees in all their glory. Fall is just the best, right? And how is it already November and the year is almost over?! Time flies when you are having fun! Let’s see what I want to accomplish this month.

Complete Christmas shopping. The last few years I have completed my holiday shopping before December and I find I’m more intentional and a better gift giver. I also get to truly savor the holiday season and not stress about what to buy everyone and I get to avoid the mall. Family – send me your lists!

Read four books. I’m going to keep putting this on here as a goal until I accomplish it. I used to read three books every month so I know it’s a little bit of a stretch but I want to spend more time reading and a little bit less time watching television (and on my phone, see below).

Unplug in the evenings. I know I’m addicted to my phone and the first step is admitting it, right? So I plan to stay off my phone once G gets home from work and give him my undivided attention.

Unclutter one closet. I’m a clean freak who cannot stand clutter or dust, but I’m perfectly fine stuffing things out of sight, out of mind. I’m like Monica from Friends with my cleanliness, but I have my junk closet just like she does. Or closets plural. Eek. And it’s starting to stress me out. As Gretchen Rubin says, outer order inner peace. So I want to contribute to that inner peace and tackle one closet a month to organize and purge.

Savor the moment. I’m trying to be more intentional about my time and giving my best yes. I don’t want to be so busy that I’m always stressed out. I want to remember to just breathe. Soak up every sunrise. Enjoy every single second of Thanksgiving. The people. The yummy food. It’s a crazy good life.

What are your goals this month?

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