Friday, October 14, 2016

Book Review (Edition 1)

I have been on a reading kick and I’m so excited to share some of my good reads. I highly recommend them! If you have any books you think I should read please, please, please leave it in the comments. I'm hoping this will become a series I do each month. Lets take a look at the books I've read in September and mid-October.

Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult was intense and sad. I've only read two of Picoult's books but they have both been intense and depressing. I'm not sure I'm a fan of that, but nonetheless I couldn't put this book down and had to keep reading. So there's that. It was about a school shooting so it was a little too real and dark for me, but Picoult is such a great writer. She makes you feel for the characters and there is a twist at the end that made the book worth it to me. Recommend!

Second Honeymoon by James Patterson was my favorite, favorite, favorite! It was my first Patterson book and it will not be my last. I just checked out another one and I'm sure I will be reading all of his books over the next year or two (he has quite a few!). He is such an amazing writer. I finished this book in a day and a half and could not put it down. Each chapter ends with a cliff hanger that kept me wanting more. I haven't devoured a book that fast since Girl on a Train. I'm a huge fan of Patterson and cannot wait to read more!

The Castaways by Elin Hilderbrand was my second favorite book I read this month and my favorite Hilderbrand book to date. I just loved the suspense and the story lines of all the characters. I had to know what happens which is a quality I love in a book, but find it hard to find. It had my interest and held my interest until the very end. Hilderbrand is just such a great writer so this was a quick read.

First Comes Love by Emily Giffin was a little sad, but interesting. I got attached to the characters and was interested to see what happens. It wasn't something I couldn't put down, but it was a fun read. I enjoyed the book simply because it was Giffin. She can make anything interesting! I could have used a little more closure at the end though.

Silver Girl by Elin Hilderbrand started out a little slow and then about halfway through the book I just could not put it down and finished it very quickly. It was a fun, beach read. I loved reading HIlderbrand books while sitting at the beach. Definite perk! My mom borrowed this book after me and loved it too. Definitely a fun, easy read.

What are you reading lately?

1 comment:

  1. I love Jodi Picoult because her style is so intense! The Pact is one of my all time favs.
