I read once that is imperative to laugh and have fun with your spouse. I find this extremely easy to oblige with since I am a naturally goofy person. I LOVE to make Garth laugh. And I love to laugh. We talk in accents to each other all the time. I will walk like a penguin to cheer him up. Make a fish face even though he hates it. We will just start dancing in the middle of the kitchen when a good song comes out. I will belt out a song at the top of my lungs to Garth. Put my hair in a crazy hairstyle to make him laugh. Quote When Harry Met Sally and Pink Panther endlessly. Make up games like “Would you Rather?” and play “If you were stuck on a Deserted Island, what would you take….”
All that to say, I would encourage you to laugh hard with your man. Get a little silly. Play a game. Talk in an accent. Walk like a penguin. Quote your favorite movie. Life is too short to take it all too seriously. Work hard and play hard.
Agreed.. work hard play hard.
So true! You have some great posts about relationships & marriage. It is definitely WORK!!
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I look forward to these posts every Wednesday! This one is perfect. There is no one who I enjoy laughing with more than Mark.
PS - I love to speak to him in different accents too. Lately it's been British because I have been watching Downton Abbey!
love this! sometimes it dawns on me that I'm just in a funk and a good laugh with Nick is all I need to pull me out of it!
Love this! Y'all are so cute.
You two are adorable! I totally agree that being silly and having a good laugh is the best way to have a solid relationship!
O my! This sounds so much like what my husband and I do! haha. Being silly together is so much fun!
So I'm glad hubby and I aren't the only weirdos who speak to each other in accents! After spending many years in the south I have perfected my "Southern Belle" and I'm working on the British accent! One of the reasons I knew this was the man for me to marry - we make each other laugh.
Love your Wedding Wednesdays!
I'm glad I married someone just as goofy as me.
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