Friday, November 11, 2016

Life Lately

First off I just want to say thank you to all our veterans for your service and sacrifice.

This past weekend was a good one. G and I had Friday off so it was a long weekend. We talked about going away, but in the end decided our house was neglected and we needed to spend time on it. Thursday night we celebrated our long weekend eating out. We had the filet skewers and spinach and artichoke dip. Both were delicious.

Friday morning we slept in and then took Manny for a long walk. The colors are just so gorgeous right now.

Then we cleaned and purged the house. While we were busy at work Manny got his paws on my penguin stuffed animal and it became his toy. He entertained himself for hours.

Then we headed to Ikea to get a few things for the house. We figured it would be less crowded than the weekend and it was.

We could leisurely walk through the store and take our time. I heard rumors the cinnamon buns are good so we grabbed some of those on the way out. They are delicious.

We came home and played with our toys. G set up the mirror and I'm obsessed.

Then G set up his colored bar lights and they are so cool. They also change yellow and red. So pretty and really sets a fun vibe.

We celebrated all our hard work with a late lunch at this new restaurant in our town we have been dying to try.

I had a Raspberry Bubble drink with raspberry vodka and prosecco and it was incredible. So good! G had a drink that was their version of a margarita. Also delicious!

We shared two appetizers. My favorite was the bacon wrapped dates stuffed with Gouda and drizzled with a pesto vinaigrette. YUM! We also had their garlic hummus with fried pita bread and it was good. I'm excited to go back and try different appetizers and different drinks. Also, the wait staff all wore suspenders and I'm in love.

After our late lunch we headed home to relax. I stopped by the neighbor's house to see their new furniture they just had delivered. Then G and I headed to G's work party. It was so fun seeing old friends and catching up. We ate good food and hung out at the bonfire and laughed. Good times. We didn't leave until midnight. Party animals!

Saturday was another beautiful day. We slept in. Walked Manny. Then met great friends downtown.

We walked over to the winery and did a wine tasting and then ordered a glass and hung out and continued to catch up. Laugh. Relax and enjoy the day.

We walked around downtown and walked in and out of cute shops. I found these adorable signs and couldn't resist taking pictures. LOVE.

Sunday was another beautiful day. We took Manny to the lake and walked. Then went to church. Then did a bunch of yard work. Then we rested. It was much needed! 

We were beat from a fun and productive weekend. So the fireplace, candle lit, glass of wine and Netflix perfection!

I voted on Tuesday and this time I went after work and was pretty shocked and stoked I didn't have to wait in any lines. I was in and out in ten minutes!

These shorter days are throwing me off, but gosh you cannot beat the sunsets while I walk Manny. Gorgeous!! It has an amazing fall and I'm loving every second of it.

G surprised me with sushi from my favorite place the other night. He is seriously the best!

Now another weekend is upon us and I could not be more excited. That is life lately. Have a great one, friends!

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