Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Podcast Love

I'm obsessed with Podcasts right now. I listen to them all the time. On my drive to work. While walking Manny. While I clean. It just makes time fly by. I thought it would be fun to share my favorite podcasts with you and please tell me your faves in the comments!

Women Wanting More – These are short little podcasts with good advice. Dr. Osborne will drop the f bomb a few times each episode so these podcasts are not kid friendly. But she has wise advice on how to get what you want out of life. Spoiler alert: It’s all about getting clear on what you want and working your butt off.

Vibrant Happy Women – Dr. Riday is intelligent and you can definitely tell she subscribes to Brene Brown because she talks a lot about shame, vulnerability, etc. She always has interesting people on her show living vibrant, happy lives and I just love hearing other people’s perspectives and how they handle different situations.

How She Really Does It – Koren Motekait is awesome. I want to be her when I grow up. She asks her guests the most interesting questions like what is your favorite quick meal to eat right now, your favorite motto or quote, etc. I always find her guests engaging.

Happier – Gretchen Rubin is a habit expert and I just adore her and her sister Elizabeth Craft. Each week they talk about little ways to make your life a little happier and I’m all about that. For example, one of my favorite tips was setting your password with something you are thankful for so you are always reminded of it each time you enter your password. So simple and yet so effective!

Glorious in the Mundane – Christy Knockles is a singer, song writer and her podcast just refreshes the soul. She is wise and gives a unique perspective on the Scriptures. I always feel good after listening. She has mini episodes where she just speaks from her heart which I love and great interview podcasts where she interviews people like Beth Moore and Bob Goff. Love them both!

The Happy Hour – Jamie Ivey interviews interesting people and she always asks unique questions that I find intriguing. It’s a mix of life, Scripture, and motherhood and I especially enjoy her mini episodes.

Willow Creek – This is just a collection of all the sermons and I get a new one every Sunday afternoon. I love listening to them with G or on my walks with Manny.

Northridge Church – This is the church G and I attend and we got in the habit of listening to Brad Powell via Podcast lately since going to church is just listening to Brad on a TV screen. Brad is an amazing speaker and has a gift for preaching so I would highly recommend his talks.

The Good Life – Jonathon Fields basically talks about how to have a good life and I’m all about maxing out this one life we have. He is interesting and has good advice to share. I especially loved his most recent episode on how busy everyone is and how we need to be more proactive on how we spend our time and less time on letting life just happen to us.

Mind Body Musings – Maddy Moon is a former fitness model that has overcome an obsession with eating “healthy” and discusses how it is all about balance. She interviews interesting people and Maddy shares a lot of her story and journey to how she got to where she is today. She has a great perspective on food and life that is refreshing and entertaining to listen to. She has a blog too that I subscribe too and love.

Heather Debrow’s World – If you are a Real Housewives of Orange County fan you know who Heather Debrow is. She is a mother to four kids, lover of champs, married to a plastic surgeon and just built a mega mansion. I find her podcast interesting because you get a glimpse on how the other half lives. I also like the little glimpse into the behind the scenes of Real Housewives.

Bitch Sesh - Speaking of The Real Housewives, I cannot get enough of this show. Casey Wilson and Danielle Schneider are absolutely hilarious. I look forward to it every week. As a Real Housewives fan I love watching the show and then hearing what they have to say about it. Their commentary is THE BEST! I’m sure I look like a creeper as I listen on my walks and laugh out loud.

The Actor’s Diet – Lynn Chen interviews people about their eating habits, favorite foods, and body image. As a self-professed foodie I love hearing about what other people love eating. I enjoy hearing other people describe food, is that weird? 

So those are my favorites. What podcasts are you loving lately?


  1. My favorite podcasts are Coffee With Chrachel and Shane And Friends :)

  2. I have been loving podcasts too!!! I mostly listen to the Dave Ramsey show (obsessed) and The Mom Hour (one of the girls lives in West Michigan).
