Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Life Lately

Last week we had a girls night at my friend Kate's house and it nourished the soul. These girls are amazing and I am so thankful they are in my life. We talked, laughed, ate good food and it just went too fast. But we set dates for the next few months so I can't wait for the next one! I've said it before, but I'll say it again. My girlfriends are so important to me and I just don't know what I would do without them.

This past weekend was a good one. G and I got stuff done around the house and then headed to my parents' house to celebrate my mom's 60th birthday! We had good family time with everyone. LOVE.

I got sweet snuggles with Bennett. Ella was hilarious as usual. This picture is so funny though because he looks like he is yelling at me with that little raised fist. Adorbs.

Ella loves her Uncle G and gave him double hugs when she was leaving. Oh, my heart!

I had major allergies over the weekend. They were so bad I had swollen eyes and was taking eye drops and Benadryl. Eesh. So Sunday was a Netflix and chill day. I binge watched Quantico and it is seriously so good. I can't even. I am trying to savor it since there is only one season, but it's so good!

This is random, but these champs bottles were too pretty not to share. Not pretty enough to buy at $15 a bottle. I'll take my $8 Aldi Prosecco thankyouverymuch.

G and I have been obsessed with Greek salads lately and eating them a few times a week. Yum!

In other news, I haven't weighed in in months. I hated the way the scale defined my mood. The number on the scale just held too much power so I had to walk away from it for a bit. It has been so freeing and I tried on a pair of pants over the weekend that have not fit in years and they slipped right on! I could not believe it! It was such an amazing feeling!

I'm reading Bread and Wine by Shauna Niequest and I am obsessed. It's such a good read and I am getting inspired to try some of these recipes. I see why everyone raved about this book. It's great! Shauna was also recently on The Happy Hour podcast and I just adore her and can't wait to read her new book!

Monday night I hosted my girls from work. I'm so thankful for them. We have become close friends and I don't know what I would do without them. We had a blast eating apps, drinking wine and chatting. Can't wait to do it again soon!

So that is life lately. Girls nights with great friends. Family time celebrating a very special person in my life. Bennett snuggles. Ella time. Netflix and chill. Life is good.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lindsey,
    I had to tell you that lately you have been the happiest and most relaxed I have seen you in years, you're so beautiful and your inner peace is really showing through. I hope you and Garth have a great holiday season!
