Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Third Annual Girls Weekend Getaway

Two weekends ago I had my third annual girls lake house weekend. I had the best time and I just cherish these friendships so much. I am also just so thankful for my dear, sweet G for being supportive. Bless his heart he was dog sitting two dogs plus Manny and had to deal with many accidents and taking out three dogs without a fenced yard. He is the BEST husband!

We spent the afternoon floating on the lake. Perfection!

Then we ran to the store to get taco seasoning and THIS happened. Hilarious. And Kate's famous words: "I am not tipsy! I am just not a good driver!" 

Friday night was taco night! YUM!

After dinner we sat on the deck and talked and laughed the night away. Perfection.

Saturday we slept in and then enjoyed coffee and bagels on the deck before we spent another gorgeous day floating on the lake.

My heart was so full with best friends, sun on my face, sand beneath my toes and laughing so hard my stomach hurt. Sweet summer times.

Around lunchtime we came back to the cottage to welcome Ashley to the party.

We said our hellos and ate appetizers for lunch.

Then we fixed up our drinks and headed back to the lake to float and talk and laugh.

How gorgeous is the lake? The water was so warm and we had the lake to ourselves pretty much the whole weekend. Also, how lucky have we been the past three years to have sunny and 80 degree weather? #blessed

So funny story. Ashley and Kate used to do shots in tea cups at Ashley's house. So then Ashley found this shot glass tea cup that said "more whiskey please" (which is her drink of choice) and it was just too cute not to share. 

Deb made grilled chicken with cilantro and cheese for dinner and it was so delicious.

After dinner we went for a walk around the lake.

We came back to the cottage and ate puppy chow and Kate french braided my hair.

Then we went for a night swim. I'm not going to lie. I did not want to do it. It was getting cold and really dark and I was a little scared. But it ended up being my favorite memory of the whole weekend. It was so peaceful. The water was so refreshing. The moon was so bright. The stars were shining brightly. The night was calm. It was just an experience I will never forget.

It was pretty cold when we got out of the lake so Deb made a fire and we drank hot chocolate and talked the night away.

Sunday morning we slept in and then drank coffee on the deck.

After breakfast we spent a few hours floating on the lake before driving home. It was so restful and relaxing and I'm so thankful for the time with good friends. Another fabulous girls weekend in the books!

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